Going down is another feat. She will take it one step at a time at first. Then, she will rush on in her last few steps ostentatiously and will beam at me with pride. Yay, that's my girl!
Mumay had her third vaccine and first antirabies shot yesterday. She got Royal Canin doggie treats and a new bowl from her vet (thanks!!). Afterwards, we brought her to U.P. for her first taste of the outside world. Too bad we weren't able to take videos of her but she was so fun to look at. She instinctively sniffed her new surroundings with caution and stayed close to us. But she warmed up fast and was soon chasing us around. She would also chase after the joggers and bikers around her!
Our baby got tired easily. We set home after giving her water. And then we realized that she dirtied her feet for the first time. She's been used to walking on clean floors only. So we wiped clean her paws before allowing her to climb up the bed. She immediately fell asleep after her dinner, obviously tired. It was a long day for Mumay but she was so happy! :)
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