It's barely a week to Christmas! The Christmas wishlist is quite too late now, but just for the heck of it, here is my ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS Wishlist!
1. Garmin 305 Watch
2. Since #1 is very expensive, I can settle for any simpler and cheaper digital watch like those at Timex
3. a pair of 5lbs dumbbells
4. anything I can use for paper crafts, like embellishments, craft punchers, fancy scissors, pentel pens, beads, corrugated boards,
beads, etc!
5. a new book! You can ride with my Fully Booked discount card hehe
6. running shorts. I have one, but if you can get me another, why not?
7. white gold stud earrings. I lost my only and favorite pair :(
8. a new TV! flatscreen at least.
9. cordless phone
10. GCs at Tony & Jackey's so I can have my hair rebonded :)
Merry Christmas, everyone! :D
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